Tuesday 15 September 2015

Playing Outside

Today I presented my poem in front of my class and I hope you enjoy my poem I wrote.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Hauora In Games

This is about Hauora (Health) and I've explained it in a game.

Poetic Writing

Today this is a brainstorm about poetic writing, and if you want to write a poem yourself you need to know what poetic writing is about.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

William and Ma'asi - Knocking Cones

Today we presented a new game to the year 1 and year 2 students at our school. Our task was to create a new game. I made this game with my buddy William and we had a good experience with the little kids.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Multiplicative Thinking Task

Today I finished a task about 'Multiplicative Thinking', and I choose one of the activities from my class site and this is the one I choose because I need to improve on this.