Friday 16 August 2013

Haiku Poem About The Zoo Trip

Explanation About How To Build A Castle

How To Build Your Own Castle
This is my explanation about how to build your own castle

Step 1:
The first thing to do is to find a flat surface to build your castle.

Step 2:
Next you need to find out what type of brick to use either stone, cinder brick or brickwork.

After that get a piece of paper to plan your castle. Have a lot of detail on your draft.
Then start building your castle exactly how you planned it.
I wonder who invented castles?

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Haiku Poem

Verse 1:
Walking to the courts
Listening to instructions
Playing with my friends

Verse 2:
Challenging the teams
Cheering for the other teams
Tired and thirsty

Verse 3:
Lined up quietly
Walking back to the classroom

Coming back to learn